
Researchers show new Ice Age may begin by 2030

The arrival of intense cold similar to the weather that raged during the "Little Ice Age", which froze the world during the 17th century and in the beginning of the 18th century, is expected in the years 2030 to 2040. These ...

Europe divided along former Iron Curtain over nuclear power

A quarter-century after the collapse of communism, Central Europe faces a new divide: irreconcilable visions of nuclear power that pit nations once on the opposite sides of the Iron Curtain against one another.

Guatemalan security forces rescue 52 endangered species

Guatemalan security forces rescued 52 animals from endangered species, including several dozen macaws and some turtles, during a raid in which they arrested two alleged wildlife traffickers, an official said Thursday.

Reddit out to tame its wild side

Popular online bulletin board Reddit is mulling ways to make its free-for-all discussions more civil by restraining what people can post, a move that could anger some of the site's most passionate members.

Loch Ness Monster hunter hooked on catfish theory

A man who has spent 24 years scanning Scotland's Loch Ness for its legendary mysterious monster reckons Nessie is most likely a giant catfish—although he is not prepared to give up looking just yet.

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