
Researchers advance mobile augmented reality technology

Anyone who has seen a spy movie remembers their favorite agent donning special eyewear or using a device to scan surrounding objects and extract information about them. Once an action movie fantasy, augmented reality technology ...

Nanoparticles naturally present left- and right-handed versions

A team of scientists from ITMO University and Trinity College Dublin published first experimental results showing that ordinary nanocrystals possess intrinsic chirality and can be produced under normal conditions as a half-and-half ...

Creature's 'dactyl club' filters shear waves to resist damage

The "smasher" peacock mantis shrimp is able to repeatedly pummel the shells of prey using a bizarre hammer-like appendage that, new research shows, can withstand rapid-fire blows by neutralizing certain frequencies of "shear ...

Tech Tips: Stay safe by reducing reliance on passwords

Mix upper and lower case letters in your password? Substitute the numeral 1 for the letter l? Throw in an exclamation point and other special characters? Who can remember all that for dozens of websites and services?

Mastering magnetic reconnection

On March 12, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) scientists launched four observational satellites into space, officially beginning the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission. The diminutive spacecraft, ...

The protein problem

The importance of proteins is difficult to overstate; they play a critical role in countless biological processes. An enhanced understanding of their structure and function is essential to advancing the state of the art in ...

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