
Ultra-thin wires for quantum computing

Take a fine strand of silica fiber, attach it at each end to a slow-turning motor, gently torture it over an unflickering flame until it just about reaches its melting point and then pull it apart. The middle will thin out ...

New method forecasts Arctic sea ice melt

(Phys.org) —Arctic sea ice coverage will continue to recover this year from the all-time low of summer 2012, according to experts at the University of Reading.

From biomass soup to new, useful raw materials

Biomass is not oil. However, it is going to have to replace the raw materials currently made from fossil sources if we are to sustainably satisfy the demand for plastics, solvents, paints and adhesives. This is quite a challenge, ...

Opportunity peers out from 'Pillinger Point'

NASA's decade old Opportunity rover has reached a long sought after region of aluminum-rich clay mineral outcrops at a new Endeavour crater ridge now "named 'Pillinger Point' after Colin Pillinger the Principal Investigator ...

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