
Movie shows Ceres at opposition from sun

NASA's Dawn spacecraft successfully observed Ceres at opposition on April 29, taking images from a position exactly between the sun and Ceres' surface. Mission specialists had carefully maneuvered Dawn into a special orbit ...

Chemists brought folded proteins to life

Scientists from ITMO University in Saint Petersburg and Hebrew University in Jerusalem have found a way to recover a protein structure after its chemical denaturation. The method is based on electrostatic interaction between ...

Scientists propose better battery system for smart home use

Smart homes need smart batteries. Current systems overuse power, which can shorten the life of batteries and the devices they power. Future batteries may get an intelligence boost to mitigate the problem.

Microbial fuel cell converts methane to electricity

Transporting methane from gas wellheads to market provides multiple opportunities for this greenhouse gas to leak into the atmosphere. Now, an international team of researchers has taken the first step in converting methane ...

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