
Morning is the time for powerful lightning

Wherever you are, if it's 8 a.m. it's time for the kids to be in school, time perhaps for a second cup of coffee, and time for the most powerful lightning strokes of the day.

Bumblebees shy away from field-facing hedgerows

The pollination service provided by bumblebees on the field-side boundaries of hedgerows may be limited because farming methods are having a negative impact on their sources of food, a study has found.

Harvard's president speaks in China about climate change

The Harvard president told students at one of China's most prestigious universities Tuesday that academic institutions must be unfettered places where every topic can be raised and every question asked to help tackle challenges ...

S.Korea accuses North of cyber-attacks on nuclear plants

South Korea's government accused North Korea Tuesday of carrying out cyber-attacks last December on its nuclear power plant operator, describing them as a provocation which threatened people's lives and safety.

From cancer-battling bacteria to life on Mars at TED

Brilliant minds wrapped around heady notions ranging from injecting medicine by laser to cherishing life on Earth while seeking a future in the stars as the TED conference began Monday.

UN says 24 dead in Vanuatu after Cyclone Pam

Relief workers tried desperately on Tuesday to reach Vanuatu's remote outer islands that were smashed by a monstrous cyclone, as the United Nations reported that 24 people were confirmed dead and 3,300 displaced by the storm ...

US lawmakers weigh in on 'net neutrality'

A decision to impose tough new regulations on cable and wireless companies that provide Internet service to Americans wasn't influenced by politics, a top U.S. regulator told House lawmakers on Tuesday.

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