
The largest known bronze mask of Pan uncovered by researchers

A large bronze mask of the god Pan, the only of its kind, was uncovered at the University of Haifa's excavation at Hippos-Sussita National Park. According to Dr. Michael Eisenberg, bronze masks of this size are extremely ...

Real-time holographic displays one step closer to reality

Researchers from the University of Cambridge have designed a new type of pixel element and demonstrated its unique switching capability, which could make three-dimensional holographic displays possible.

Scientist pursues the perfect pachyderm pedicure

Finding the best method of trimming the feet of captive elephants is the focus of a University of Queensland study to help prevent painful and untreatable foot diseases.

Image: Solar corona viewed by Proba-2

This snapshot of our constantly changing Sun catches looping filaments and energetic eruptions on their outward journey from our star's turbulent surface.

Researchers unravel secrets of shape-shifting bacteria

Sixty years ago, Nobel Prize-winning scientist Joshua Lederberg first described a biological mystery. He showed how bacteria could lose the cell walls that define their shapes, potentially becoming less visible to the immune ...

Characterizing catalytic reactions in aqueous environments

Whether producing fuel cells or fertilizer, catalysts instigate reactions without being consumed. Despite their ubiquitous nature, solid catalysts in liquids are not completely characterized because scientific tools often ...

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