
The real value of taking your business offshore

Over the last two decades, an increasing number of companies have set up subsidiaries in offshore financial centres. So why don't they move the entire business, and establish headquarters there too?

Researchers study prevalence, impact of 'serial inventors'

Researchers from Louisiana Tech University have published a study on the prevalence and impacts of "serial inventors" - scientist and engineers within university research communities who are particularly inventive and produce ...

Toward longer-lasting fragrances

Fragrances can be powerful. They can sooth or revitalize, evoke the forest or sea, and remind us of the past. To capture them, manufacturers infuse scents into products from toilet bowl cleaners to luxury perfumes. But once ...

Rolling stones, turbulence connect evolution to physics

A law of physics explaining why larger animals live longer and travel further also extends to the simplest forms of mass migration on the planet—like rolling stones and turbulent eddies in water and air currents, according ...

Pairing pain medicine with metal ions to battle cancer

Fighting chemoresistant cancer remains a huge challenge that scientists are tackling from as many angles as they can. One alternative approach involves pairing two groups of compounds—pain medicine and metal ions—that ...

The chemistry behind Flint's water crisis

When the city of Flint switched drinking water sources in 2014, it triggered a health emergency as startlingly high levels of lead turned up in the water. An article in Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN), the weekly newsmagazine ...

Can CRISPR help edit out female mosquitos?

The recent discovery of the first male-determining factor in mosquitoes, combined with the gene-editing capabilities of the CRISPR-Cas9 system, could be used to bias mosquito populations from deadly, blood-sucking females ...

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