
Image: The magnetic field along the galactic plane

While the pastel tones and fine texture of this image may bring to mind brush strokes on an artist's canvas, they are in fact a visualisation of data from ESA's Planck satellite. The image portrays the interaction between ...

Engineers use liquid drops to make solids stiffer

(Phys.org)—Engineers at Yale University have discovered that the stiffness of liquid drops embedded in solids has something in common with Goldilocks: While large drops of liquids are softer than the solid that surrounds ...

Spain: Google News vanishes amid 'Google Tax' spat

Google on Tuesday followed through with a pledge to shut down Google News in Spain in reaction to a Spanish law requiring news publishers to receive payment for content even if they are willing to give it away.

New technology directly reprograms skin fibroblasts for a new role

As the main component of connective tissue in the body, fibroblasts are the most common type of cell. Taking advantage of that ready availability, scientists from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, ...

Gift Guide: Five fitness trackers offer wide range

There are several fitness trackers to choose from, varying in what they measure and how easy they are to use. Here are five, ranked from budget to sophisticated, to give you a sense of the range available. By no means are ...

Gift Guide: How to pick the right fitness tracker

The holidays are here, which means feeling guilty about how much you're eating and how little you're exercising. Gadgets are available to help keep that in balance.

Hawaii lava on course to hit gas station, stores

Lava from a volcano on Hawaii's Big Island is on course to reach a shopping center with a gas station and a supermarket in seven to 10 days, officials said Monday.

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