
Mars is getting a new robotic meteorologist

Mars is about to get a new stream of weather reports, once NASA's Perseverance rover touches down on Feb. 18, 2021. As it scours Jezero Crater for signs of ancient microbial life, Perseverance will collect the first planetary ...

Ultracompact metalens microscopy breaks FOV constraints

The pursuit of ever-higher imaging resolution in microscopy is coupled with growing demands for compact portability and high throughput. While imaging performance has improved, conventional microscopes still suffer from the ...

The discovery of five new species of vine snakes in India

Vine snakes are among the most common snakes in peninsular India, found even in many peri-urban areas wherever there is some greenery. This species was believed to be widespread throughout the drier parts of the peninsula ...

Printable two-dimensional superconducting monolayers

Highly crystalline 2-D transition metal dichalcogenide superconductors and their associated (van der Waals) heterostructures provide a rich platform for the investigation of new quantum physics and exotic superconductivity. ...

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