
Dispelling a misconception about Mg-ion batteries

Lithium (Li)-ion batteries serve us well, powering our laptops, tablets, cell phones and a host of other gadgets and devices. However, for future automotive applications, we will need rechargeable batteries with significant ...

Amphibian communities collapse in wake of viral outbreak

Two closely related viruses that have been introduced to northern Spain in recent years have already led to the collapse of three different species of amphibian—the common midwife toad, the common toad, and the alpine newt—in ...

Are male brains wired to ignore food for sex?

Choosing between two good things can be tough. When animals must decide between feeding and mating, it can get even trickier. In a discovery that might ring true even for some humans, researchers have shown that male brains ...

That pregnant feeling makes a fly start nesting

Across the animal kingdom, it's not uncommon for pregnancy to change an expectant mom's behavior. Even female flies have their own rudimentary way of "nesting," which appears to be brought on by the stretch of their egg-filled ...

The social web of things

Research to be published in the International Journal of Web-Based Communities suggests that the familiar interfaces of online social networking sites might be adapted to allow us to interact more efficiently with our networked ...

FBI director warns against cellphone encryption

(AP)—The FBI director is warning against smartphone encryption. James Comey is talking about tech companies like Apple and Google that say their new operating systems will be encrypted, or protected by coding. Comey says ...

CBS debuts stand-alone streaming service

(AP)—CBS is jumping on the cord-cutting bandwagon, launching a stand-alone digital streaming service for $5.99 a month that will offer subscribers access to its current and older shows.

How, when, and why industrial ecology is good for business

Industrial ecology, a rapidly growing field focused on sustainable production and consumption, has contributed numerous important tools to modern environmental management—life cycle assessment; "industrial symbiosis," or ...

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