
Research team developing Indigenous languages app

"If we are going to work to revitalize Indigenous languages, we need to engage the community and we need to make this knowledge as open and accessible as possible."

Breakthrough in harnessing the power of biological catalysts

The power of nature could soon be used to create day-to-day materials such as paints, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals in a much more environmentally friendly way, thanks to a new breakthrough from scientists.

Study probes interplay of proteins in type 2 diabetes

A hallmark of age-related diseases such as Parkinson's disease, type 2 diabetes, or Alzheimer's disease is the abnormal clumping of proteins in cells. In people with these conditions, these protein clumps can result in irregular ...

Sweet success of parasite survival could also be its downfall

University of York scientists from the Department of Chemistry are part of an international team which has discovered how a parasite responsible for spreading a serious tropical disease protects itself from starvation once ...

Study on stability of highly energetic materials

Understanding the physical and chemical characteristics of energetic materials under extreme conditions is crucial for their safe and efficient use. High-pressure phase transitions in such materials can cause significant ...

Image: North polar dunes on Mars

This captivating image was taken in the north polar region of Mars by the ESA/Roscosmos ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter's CaSSIS camera.

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