
Measuring ethanol's deadly twin

ETH researchers have developed an inexpensive, handheld measuring device that can distinguish between methanol and potable alcohol. It offers a simple, quick method of detecting adulterated or contaminated alcoholic beverages ...

Researchers use laser light to transform metal into magnet

Pioneering physicists from the University of Copenhagen and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have discovered a way to get non-magnetic materials to make themselves magnetic by way of laser light. The phenomenon ...

Gravity surveys using a mobile atom interferometer

Mobile gravimetry is an important technique in metrology, navigation, geodesy and geophysics. Although atomic gravimeters are presently used for accuracy, they are constrained by instrumental fragility and complexity. In ...

Biosphere 2 rainforest closed during drought experiment

Drought will soon descend on the University of Arizona's Biosphere 2 rain forest, and an international research team will be ready with an array of instruments to record what unfurls under the glass.

Nanoantennas help detectors see more heat, less noise

Sandia National Laboratories researchers have developed tiny, gold antennas to help cameras and sensors that "see" heat deliver clearer pictures of thermal infrared radiation for everything from stars and galaxies to people, ...

A combination of wood fibres and spider silk could rival plastic

Achieving strength and extensibility at the same time has so far been a great challenge in material engineering: increasing strength has meant losing extensibility and vice versa. Now Aalto University and VTT researchers ...

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