
Government initiative needed to boost electric vehicle use

Canadians want electric vehicles but governments need to help support the market, according to a team of Simon Fraser University researchers. The team has found more than one third of Canadian buyers want an electric vehicle—particularly ...

Plate tectonics may have driven the evolution of life on Earth

When Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution by natural selection in 1859, the world hadn't even heard of plate tectonics. The notion that continents drifted on molten rock currents deep in the Earth's mantle was ...

ARIEL mission to reveal 'Brave New Worlds' among exoplanets

An ambitious European mission is being planned to answer fundamental questions about how planetary systems form and evolve. ARIEL will investigate the atmospheres of several hundred planets orbiting distant stars. It is one ...

Catch a fine lunar planetary grouping this weekend

Phew! Our eyes and thoughts have been cast so far out into the outer reaches of the solar system following New Horizons and Pluto this week, that we're just now getting to the astronomical action going on in our own backyard.

Yeast key to understanding cell division

A team of scientists has discovered that a protein in common baker's yeast helps control cell division – findings that may have implications for understanding diseases such as cancer. A protein called Yih1, for Yeast Homologue ...

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