
Dispute deepens over Madagascar's 'pirate shipwreck'

Documentary makers following the marine archaeologists who say they found 17th-century pirate William Kidd's sunken ship defended the team's work on Wednesday after a UNESCO report dismissed their claims.

Atomic bomb test marks 70th birthday amid renewed interest

When a flash of light beamed from the arid New Mexico desert early on July 16, 1945, residents of the historic Hispanic village of Tularosa felt windows shake and heard dishes fall. Some in the largely Catholic town fell ...

'Blowing my mind': Peaks on Pluto, canyons on Charon

Mankind's first close-up look at Pluto did not disappoint Wednesday: The pictures showed ice mountains on Pluto about as high as the Rockies and chasms on its big moon Charon that appear six times deeper than the Grand Canyon.

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