
Portrait Earth: Wave at Saturn and Cassini July 19

Smile and say, "Cosmic cheese!" From 898 million miles away, NASA's Cassini-Huygens spacecraft will snap a portrait of Earth July 19 from between Saturn's rings as North America and the Atlantic Ocean repose on the sunny ...

Micromirror technology for smartphones

With consumers using smartphones as a mobile entertainment centre, the ability to project photos and videos on any surface may soon become the norm.

Older adults don't speak 'robot,' study finds

(Phys.org) —In order to effectively program robots that ultimately could be used to aid seniors, researchers at the University of Notre Dame and University of Missouri studied the type of language older adults used when ...

Predicting long-term success in college

(Phys.org) —Long-term success in college may be better predicted with Advanced Placement (AP) exams and personality traits in combination with standard admission practices, according to new research from the Georgia Institute ...

South Pacific Galileo station endures freak rains and flood

Think your summer has been bad? Engineers manning Galileo's South Pacific ground station on New Caledonia found themselves marooned by heavy rains and a flash flood – though the station carried on operating regardless.

Cubelets: Small robots teach big science lessons (w/ Video)

Cubelets are magnetic, electronic building blocks, each with a small computer inside, that can be connected in many different ways to move around a table, follow a hand signal, turn on a light, play sounds, or do many other ...

Savvy seed sorter separates good from bad

Fast, portable, and comparatively inexpensive, an improved seed-sorting machine developed by aU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientist and an industry colleague is helping plant breeders and others separate the seeds ...

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