
Tiny bubbles hold big promise for NMR/MRI

(Phys.org) —Berkeley Lab researchers have shown that tiny bubbles carrying hyperpolarized xenon gas hold big promise for NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and its sister technology, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), as these ...

The color of the ocean: The SABIA-Mar mission

By monitoring the color changes in the ocean, such as those caused by photosynthetic pigments in phytoplankton, scientists learn more about the overall health and functioning of our planet. Such studies also could help future ...

Fertilisers play key role in reducing crop pests

While "preventative medicine" is well-known in human health, it's becoming a buzz word in crop production as researchers discover how the risks of damage by pests and diseases may increase if crops don't get enough nutrients ...

New thermocell could harvest 'waste heat'

(Phys.org) —Harvesting waste heat from power stations and even vehicle exhaust pipes could soon provide a valuable supply of electricity.

The case for alien life

Only one planet has been proven to support life: Earth. But evidence is mounting that we are not alone. Biogeochemist Ariel Anbar and astrophysicist Steven Desch, professors in ASU's School of Earth and Space Exploration, ...

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