
Satellite sees Western U.S. high mountain blazes

(Phys.org) -- Two of the most destructive fires in the history of Colorado and New Mexico have both now been contained. Together, the High Park Fire in Colorado and the Little Bear Fire in New Mexico have burned well over ...

Consumer product giants' eye-trackers size up shoppers

(Phys.org) -- Consumer product giants whose supply chains, profit margins, and boardroom reports depend on how fast the paper towels, shampoo, and diapers can fly off the shelves no longer dare to rely on just focus groups ...

Quantum entanglement with notification

(Phys.org) -- German scientists have demonstrated a method of heralding entanglement between distant stationary quantum systems without destroying this particular state. The experimental set-up paves the way towards quantum ...

Hubble sees the needle galaxy, edge-on and up close

(Phys.org) -- This image snapped by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope reveals an exquisitely detailed view of part of the disc of the spiral galaxy NGC 4565. This bright galaxy is one of the most famous examples of an edge-on ...

Capturing the visitor experience

Researchers at The University of Queensland (UQ) School of Tourism have developed a tool to gauge the “visitor experience” to allow Australia's tourism industry to improve in quality and profitability.

Image: Black hole outburst in spiral galaxy M83

(Phys.org) -- NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has discovered an extraordinary outburst by a black hole in the spiral galaxy M83 (Messier 83), located about 15 million light years from Earth.

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