
Physicists almost double light efficiency in LC projectors

Researchers from North Carolina State University and ImagineOptix Corporation have developed new technology to convert unpolarized light into polarized light, which makes projectors that use liquid crystal (LC) technology ...

Space for dessert?

(Phys.org) -- All chefs know that preparing the perfect chocolate mousse is one part science and one part art. ESA’s microgravity research is helping the food industry understand the science behind the foams found in ...

Orbiter enters, then exits, standby safe mode

(Phys.org) -- NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter experienced about 21 hours in a reduced-activity precautionary status ending at about 10 a.m. PDT (1 p.m. EDT) on Thursday, July 12.

Superconducting cables for electricity grids

Power grids around the world are reaching their limits at the same time that electricity demand is growing. European researchers developed and tested one of the first superconductor-based cables to address the issue.

3D motion of common cold virus offers hope for improved drugs

Melbourne researchers are now simulating in 3D, the motion of the complete human rhinovirus, the most frequent cause of the common cold, on Australia’s fastest supercomputer, paving the way for new drug development.

Managers realize highest professional vitality in 50s

Managers demonstrate their highest levels of professional vitality in their 50s, reveals a new study conducted at the University of Haifa, Israel, which examined the functionality of high-tech, engineering, and infrastructure ...

Discovery could lead to new type of cancer treatment

(Phys.org) -- Israeli researchers have identified a new mechanism for inducing the programmed death of cells, a discovery that could be used to develop novel methods for treating cancer.

Lausward power plant to break three world records

Siemens is to build a combined cycle gas turbine power plant with an electrical output of 595 megawatts at the Lausward location in Düsseldorf. That's a new world record for a single combined cycle block.

The path from stem cell to maturity

Regulation of gene expression is essential to make sure cell maturation occurs as it should. European research is taking an integrated perspective on how selected steps in liver and blood cell differentiation can be modulated.

The magic of the movies - molecules in 4D

(Phys.org) -- Computer simulations of how the body's tiniest building blocks behave are helping scientists to unlock the role of molecules in human diseases. 

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