
Coal shipping threat to Great Barrier Reef

Australian researchers have raised fresh concerns that a major shipping disaster could harm the Great Barrier Reef, with new research revealing coal dust in seawater can kill corals and slow down the growth rate of seagrasses ...

Container design important for endangered plant nursery

Recent research at the University of Guam has shown that the use of traditional hard plastic containers in a conservation nursery reduced the quality of the roots of an endangered tree species. The experimental results appeared ...

Unveiling the electron's motion in a carbon nanocoil

Carbon nanocoils (CNCs) are an exotic class of low-dimensional nanocarbons whose helical shape may make them suitable for applications such as microwave absorbers and various mechanical components such as springs. Typical ...

How dogs find their way home (without a GPS)

Animals' ability to navigate long distances has long been shrouded in mystery. From the skill of racing pigeons to find their way home, to the seasonal breeding migration of the humpback whale, a huge range of creatures are ...

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