
Ants prefer a hard-earned treat

We are not exactly closely related to ants, but our brains have one surprising similarity: we both value highly the prize we get after a hard day's work.

Harmful genetic mutations may be less common than we thought

We are all mutants. Every characteristic that defines our species is the result of a genetic mutation somewhere in the history of evolution. And the same is true for every other organism on the planet. Yet more often than ...

How to profit from biowaste

ETH Zurich and Eawag researchers are developing a method to produce animal feed from biowaste products. This is one of 14 projects in the Engineering for Development programme funded by the Sawiris Foundation over the past ...

A mathematical model to explain the paradox of plankton

A pair of researchers, one with The Simons Centre for the Study of Living Machines in India, the other with the University of Illinois in the U.S., has built a model to explain a paradox of plankton. In their paper published ...

Fleets of compact e-vehicles could help battle air pollution

Lightweight electric mini-cars could soon be a common sight on the streets of Europe's cities thanks to longer-lasting batteries, tilting and stackable design, and modular components to bring down the cost of mass production.

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