
Ancient ice reveals scores of gigantic volcanic eruptions

Ice cores drilled in Antarctica and Greenland have revealed gigantic volcanic eruptions during the last ice age. Sixty-nine of these were larger than any eruption in modern history. According to the University of Copenhagen ...

New Cas9 model maps DNA cutting behavior for the first time

Researchers from the TU Delft have come up with a physical-based model that establishes a quantitative framework on how gene-editing with CRISPR-Cas9 works, and allows them to predict where, with what probability, and why ...

Scientists created complete online database of water masers

Scientists from Ural Federal University, the Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), and the Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC (the Netherlands) have created the most comprehensive and convenient online ...

The importance of new species in an age of biodiversity loss

The recent announcement that Fauna & Flora International (FFI) and our partners have recorded over 100 new species in Myanmar in the decade since we began working there caused quite a stir, but that landmark figure doesn't ...

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