
6 tips to help you detect fake science news

I'm a professor of chemistry, have a Ph.D. and conduct my own scientific research, yet when consuming media, even I frequently need to ask myself: "Is this science or is it fiction?"

What motivates the green volunteer?

Countless numbers of volunteers throughout the world are dedicated to nature: via citizen science or through activities like planting trees or organizing nature excursions. But who are these people and why do they take action? ...

Magnetar SGR J1935+2154 investigated in detail

Using various ground-based facilities worldwide, an international team of astronomers has carried out long-term multi-frequency radio observations of a galactic magnetar known as SGR J1935+2154. Results of the observational ...

To save giant sequoia trees, maybe it's time to plant backups

Last month, unusually high winds knocked down 15 giant sequoias in Yosemite. If you haven't had a chance to see them in person, giant sequoias are big—like, warp-your-sense-of-scale and melt-your-brain big. Then, once you've ...

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