
Common sense may depend on one's point of view

A pair of social scientists at the University of Pennsylvania has found, via case study, that the term "common sense" may apply differently depending on perspective. In their study, published in Proceedings of the National ...

Researchers develop hedgehog safety test for robotic lawnmowers

Researchers led by the University of Oxford have developed a new test to assess how dangerous robotic lawnmowers are to hedgehogs. They hope this will lead to a certification scheme that will allow consumers to choose 'hedgehog-friendly' ...

Unraveling the complexity of betacoronaviruses in bats

With pandemics increasingly a global concern, an international study led by scientists at Université de Montréal offers new insights into the intricate evolutionary dynamics of betacoronaviruses in bats, providing a deeper ...

Modified soft material promises better bioelectronics

The scientific community has long been enamored of the potential for soft bioelectronic devices, but has faced hurdles in identifying materials that are biocompatible and have all of the necessary characteristics to operate ...

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