
New data on 'jumping genes' linked to cancer

Scientists from the University of Granada and GENYO have discovered a mechanism via which our cells protect themselves against these transposable or mobile genetic elements, known as "LINE-1," which are involved in the development ...

Scientists discover a new complex europium hydride

A team of researchers from Russia, the United States and China led by Skoltech Professor Artem R. Oganov have discovered an unexpected very complex europium hydride, Eu8H46. The paper detailing the discovery has been published ...

CryoSat reveals surprising ebb and flow of subglacial lakes

Hidden from view by ice kilometers thick, there is a vast network of lakes and streams at the base of the Antarctic ice sheet. This subsurface meltwater affects the speed with which the ice sheet flows towards the ocean. ...

Don't just think about earthquakes, prepare for them

For her Ph.D. in psychology, Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington's Dr. Lauren Vinnell studied how the thoughts and beliefs people hold about preparing for natural hazards influences their behavior.

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