
Dangers of mine waste highlighted in U.N. report

A new United Nations (U.N.) Environment report that calls for international action to make the storage of mine waste more secure, has been lead-edited by a Murdoch University researcher.

The challenge of estimating Alaska's soil carbon stocks

Predicting how carbon in the soil changes when permafrost changes isn't easy. Alaska's diverse terrain makes it difficult to optimize the placement of data-gathering sites. Researchers used a geospatial approach that integrates ...

Trump pullout from climate pact means even hotter world: report

US President Donald Trump's pullout from the Paris Agreement will push up global temperatures nearly half a degree Celsius (0.9 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2100, according to a report released Wednesday at UN climate talks in ...

The effect of hurricanes on Puerto Rico's dry forests

Caribbean tropical forests are subject to hurricane impacts of great variability. In addition to natural storm incongruity, climate change can alter storm formation, duration, frequency, and intensity. Scientists assessed ...

How the speed of foliage decomposition influences carbon levels

In one of the few such studies, scientists examined how dead leaves, roots, and other plant litter decay over a decade. The team used stable isotope labels to trace plant litter-derived carbon and nitrogen as the litter decomposed ...

'Left-handed' fish and asymmetrical brains

To humans, being right-handed or left-handed plays an important role. The majority of people are right-handed, while only about 3 percent of people innately use both hands equally well. Preferring one side of the body over ...

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