
Eating royal poop improves parenting in naked mole-rats

Have you ever seen a picture of a mother dog caring for an unusual baby, like a kitten? This sort of animal adoption story is an example of a phenomenon known as alloparenting: care provided to offspring that are not genetically ...

13 dead as flooding hits southwestern France

At least 13 people died when violent rainstorms turned rivers into raging torrents in southwest France on Monday, prompting some of the deadliest flooding in years, officials said.

Bio-inspired nanoreactors

Catalysis, in the course of which a substance accelerates a chemical reaction, but remains unchanged, is of central importance to many industrial processes. To develop efficient catalysts optimized for various applications, ...

Taxing carbon may sound like a good idea, but does it work?

Exxon Mobil is backing a proposal to tax oil, gas and coal companies for the carbon they emit and redistribute the money raised that way to all Americans. It's also giving a group urging Washington to enact a tax on carbon ...

Unravelling the genetics of fungal fratricide

Selfish genes are genes that are passed on to the next generation but confer no advantage on the individual as a whole, and may sometimes be harmful. Researchers at Uppsala University have, for the first time, sequenced (or ...

The Roman 'Brexit': how life in Britain changed after 409 AD

Leaving a major political body is nothing new for mainland Britain. In 409AD, more than 350 years after the Roman conquest of 43AD, the island slipped from the control of the Roman Empire. Much like the present Brexit, the ...

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