
Zimbabwe to hand out 5 mln energy-saving bulbs

Zimbabwe's electricity authority is to hand out 5.5 million energy-saving flourescent bulbs to its consumers in a bid to curb consumption, a state daily newspaper reported Monday.

Jiaotong University: one of China's top schools

Shanghai's Jiaotong University is one of China's top schools, with a reputation for turning out a steady supply of scientists and engineers to contribute to the nation's development.

On endless ice, searching for clues to our future

(AP) -- The pilot eased his five-ton helicopter toward the glacier's rumpled surface, aiming for the lightest of setdowns atop one of the fastest-flowing ice streams on Earth.

Hackers protest BART decision to block cellphones

(AP) -- Hackers broke into a website for San Francisco's mass transit system Sunday and posted contact information for more than 2,000 customers, the latest showdown between anarchists angry at perceived attempts to limit ...

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