
Kepler mission announces next data release to public archive

The Kepler science team announced on Aug. 12 the next release of data to the public archive. Quarter three science data collected during the months of September to December 2009 will be available for download on Sept. 23, ...

Cattle, dairy ticks do battle against unique control measure

Australian scientists believe they may be a step closer to finding a cattle tick vaccine that could save the national cattle and dairy industries approximately $175 million per annum and reduce the need for pesticides.

Single microbial gene linked to increased ethanol tolerance

(PhysOrg.com) -- A team of researchers from the Department of Energy's BioEnergy Science Center has pinpointed a single, key gene in a microbe that could help streamline the production of biofuels from non-food sources.

Forecasting pipe fractures

A computer model that tests automobile components for crashworthiness could also be of use to the oil and gas industry, according to researchers at MIT’s Impact and Crashworthiness Laboratory, who are now using their ...

Researchers extend genetic code of an entire animal

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers Sebastian Greiss and Jason Chin of the Medical Research Council's Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, have succeeded in manipulating the DNA of a nematode such that a 21st protein was ...

Taiwan facing worst ever brain drain: academics

Taiwan is facing its worst ever "brain drain", with outdated laws and red tape causing the tech-savvy island to lose out to competitors in the global race to attract talent, academics warned Monday.

Google to buy Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion (Update 2)

Google Inc.'s $12.5 billion deal to buy cellphone maker Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. is aimed at giving the Internet search leader more legal firepower as it battles Apple Inc. and Microsoft Corp. to gain the upper hand ...

Paul Ginsparg reflects on arXiv 20th anniversary

Two decades ago, Paul Ginsparg, Cornell professor of physics, launched an electronic database to let fellow physicists share unpublished academic manuscripts without photocopying and paper mail. Fast forward through the start ...

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