
You can help identify what's killing lorikeets

Lorikeets in northern New South Wales and southern Queensland are becoming paralyzed, often resulting in death. Scientists are beginning to discover why—but need your help.

Thruster research to help propel spacecraft

Faster space maneuvers and safer, more sustainable, propellants may soon be possible thanks to a new three-year partnership between The Australian National University and French propulsion company ThrustMe.

The public make snap judgments about new technologies

An investigation recently published in the Public Understanding of Science journal by researchers from Massey University and the University of Southampton, United Kingdom, shows people stick to fast intuitive judgements about ...

Study: Wraparound services boost outcomes for drug court clients

An evidence-based wraparound service model that reduces barriers to care was shown to enhance drug treatment courts' effectiveness in improving criminal justice and behavioral health outcomes among participants with co-occurring ...

Do we all understand coronavirus news coverage?

Since COVID-19 emerged as a global crisis, the news has been dominated by graphs and terms like "R numbers" and "exponential growth," referring to the rate of spread of the disease. To what extent does the average adult understand ...

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