
Pokemon Go: only for the brave in Lagos

It's safe to say Nintendo's hit mobile game Pokemon Go is more suited for playing in the clean, well-lit streets of San Francisco or the impeccably-maintained parks of New York.

Bugs of distinction on brink of extinction

What do you call a bug with no eyes? If ever there were a group who could give you a smart answer to this question, it would be the members of the IUCN SSC Cave Invertebrate Specialist Group, who convened recently to assess ...

Custom designing silver nanoclusters

Altering a single atom in a silver nanocluster considerably changes its properties, creating an exciting opportunity to design these clusters.

Smart illumative polymeric optical fibre (POF) textiles

Smart illuminative POF textiles integrated with sensors and remote controls enable users to constantly change the appearance of the textiles according to the ever-changing needs. These textiles are pliable and offer the familiar ...

Sociology professor on racism, inequality: 'We get better'

The recent shootings of African-American men by police in Louisiana and in Minnesota, followed by the shootings of five police officers in Dallas, have once again sparked protests across the country and debate over racial ...

Prediction models help determine best oil spill response

Oil spills can be catastrophic, impacting health, the ecosystem and the economy. The severity of an oil spill's impact depends on the amount and source of oil, what courses of action responders choose and the physical properties ...

Tuning the magnetic properties of multi-functional iron nanowires

Smart nanomaterials that respond to an external stimulus are a new breed of material that could shake up almost every area of science from healthcare to heavy industry. A research team led by King Abdullah University of Science ...

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