
Mariner 4 to Mars, 50 years later

July 14 marks 50 years of visual reconnaissance of the solar system by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), beginning with Mariner 4's flyby of Mars in 1965.

Astrophysicist discusses Pluto flyby findings

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft reached its closest approach to Pluto on Tuesday, swooping to within 7,800 miles of the dwarf planet out beyond Neptune, snapping pictures and gathering data.

Researcher discovers key to successful marriage

Multiple factors and behaviors contribute to a healthy, successful marriage. Some of the most commonly known behaviors are disclosure, trust and relational maintenance. However, beyond these pivotal behaviors, University ...

Video: 'Smart implants' dissolve after healing

We all know that injuries happen and doctors sometimes have to use metal screws or plates to support broken bones while the bones heal. What if that implanted metal just disintegrated on its own after the injury heals?

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