
Research reveals what turns bumblebees into copycats

New research on the bumblebee by a University Manchester biologist has thrown light on the biology of why animals decide to copy each other, confirming its status as one of nature's cleverer insects.

Rover Opportunity wrapping up study of Martian valley

"Marathon Valley," slicing through a large crater's rim on Mars, has provided fruitful research targets for NASA's Opportunity rover since July 2015, but the rover may soon move on.

A light microscope made only with consumer electronic products

Light microscopes based on scattering, reflection and absorption and combinations of these are indispensable in the sciences, particularly biology. Many improvements have been made in the past resulting in state-of-the-art ...

E3 video game show comes with rise of celebrity player

New consoles and blockbuster games always make a big splash at the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo, but this year the undisputed winners are online stages for video game play and commentary.

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