
Identifying species via environmental DNA

Environmental DNA analysis makes it possible to detect water organisms without having to capture them first. For the first time, a team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) systematically investigated the effect of ...

Thinking outside the box on climate mitigation

In a new commentary in the journal Nature Climate Change, IIASA researchers argue that a broader range of scenarios is needed to support international policymakers in limiting climate change to under 2°C above pre-industrial ...

Scientists found excitons in nickel oxide for the first time

Russian scientists from Ural Federal University (UrFU), together with their colleagues from Institute of Metal Physics of the Ural Department of Russian Academy of Sciences, have studied fundamental characteristics of nickel ...

Maintaining canola oil quality

Canola and other edible oils are easily affected by light irradiation or heat treatment. Since such processes deteriorate the oil quality, affecting flavor, understanding this oxidation process is imperative to identify effective ...

Renault posts record year for car sales

Renault sold a record number of cars last year, the French carmaker said Monday, with global unit sales reaching 3.76 million, a rise of 8.5 percent over 2016.

World's fifth largest diamond discovered in Lesotho

A diamond thought to be the fifth largest of gem quality ever found has been discovered in Lesotho, miner Gem Diamonds said Monday, and could be worth as much as $40 million.

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