
NASA sees fast-developing Tropical Storm Tina

A late-season tropical storm named Tina formed offshore of the southwestern coast of Mexico on Sunday, Nov. 13 at 11 p.m. EST. It developed quickly from a tropical low pressure area previously designated as System 92E. A ...

Does WeChat use make people feel better?

Use of the instant messaging service WeChat, developed in China and used globally, may enhance peoples' feelings of overall satisfaction with life if they use it for fun and to pursue their interests. WeChat use will not ...

Checkmate for Castleman disease

(Phys.org)—Dr. David Fajgenbaum is the founder of Castleman Disease Collaborative Network. Its goal is to organize patients with Castleman disease (CD), find an explanation for this rare and enigmatic immunological disorder ...

Slow motion waves of jumping genes in the human genome

Nature is full of parasites—organisms that flourish and proliferate at the expense of another species. Surprisingly, these same competing roles of parasite and host can be found in the microscopic molecular world of the ...

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