
Optical 'watermills' control spinning light

Scientists at King's have built on research they conducted last year to achieve previously unseen levels of control over the travelling direction of electromagnetic wave in waveguides and proved that the process works equally ...

Cornell's rare corpse plant to bloom again

Though a rose smells sweet no matter what it is called, Cornell's rare corpse plant stinks like rotting flesh in spite of its many names.

Clues revealed about hidden interior of Uranus

(Phys.org) —Long believed to be one of the blandest regions of any of the giant gas planets, the southern hemisphere of Uranus indicates a flurry of previously unknown atmospheric phenomena, hinting at an unusual feature ...

Subducting oceanic plates are thinning adjacent continents

The continental margins of plates on either side of the Atlantic Ocean are thinner than expected, and an international team led by a Rice University scientist is using an array of advanced tools to understand why.

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