
'Report card' gives Mississippi River basin a D+

A report card is out on the Mississippi River basin, and the grade is not good: a D+, with an aging transportation infrastructure topping the list of concerns.

New concept to help set priorities in water management

The basic principle behind most strategies aimed at renaturalising ecosystems is to increase biodiversity by restoring natural habitat structure, which should lead to improved ecosystem services in the process. These projects ...

Biodiversity stabilizes ecosystems during climate extremes

Can biodiversity help protect ecosystems from extreme conditions? That question is much on the minds of scientists and policy makers as a changing climate brings more wildly swinging conditions at the same time human activities ...

Rising seas will drown mangrove forests

Mangrove forests around the Indo-Pacific region could be submerged by 2070, international research published today says.Even with relatively low sea-level rises, many mangrove forests had a poor outlook said Professor Catherine ...

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