
Many don't know key facts about US Constitution, study finds

Many Americans do not know what rights are protected under the First Amendment and a substantial number cannot name all three branches of government, according to the 2023 Annenberg Constitution Day Civics Survey.

Modeling climate extremes to show effect on atmospheric carbon

Researchers from Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Northeastern University modeled how extreme conditions in a changing climate affect the land's ability to absorb atmospheric carbon—a key process for mitigating human-caused ...

NASA's new greenhouse gas detector moves closer to launch

A state-of-the-art imaging spectrometer, which will measure the greenhouse gases methane and carbon dioxide from space, moved closer to launch this month after being delivered to a clean room at Planet Labs PBC (Planet) in ...

Medicanes: rare, 'supercharging' Mediterranean storms

The flash flood that has killed thousands of people in Libya this week followed a "medicane", a rare but destructive weather phenomenon that scientists believe will intensify in a warming world.

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