
Genome of orchid Apostasia shenzhenica sequenced

(Phys.org)—A large international team of researchers has sequenced the genome of the orchid Apostasia shenzhenica. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the team describes the approach they used and what they ...

How to measure a molecule's energy using a quantum computer

Simulating molecules on quantum computers just got much easier with IBM's superconducting quantum hardware. In a recent research article published in Nature, Hardware-efficient Variational Quantum Eigensolver for Small Molecules ...

Even when it's sitting in storage, coal threatens human health

President Trump and his appointees have pledged to end what they call the "war on coal" – policies designed to reduce the health and environmental impacts from producing and burning coal, such as toxic air pollution and ...

Quantum machine learning

Language acquisition in young children is apparently connected with their ability to detect patterns. In their learning process, they search for patterns in the data set that help them identify and optimize grammar structures ...

New theory on origin of the asteroid belt

(Phys.org)—A pair of researchers with Université de Bordeaux has proposed a new theory to explain the origin of the asteroid belt. In their paper published in Science Advances, Sean Raymond and Andre Izidoro describe their ...

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