
Networking the sky with new aircraft communication technology

Air transportation is expected to at least double by 2050. Coping with these needs and the resulting overcrowded sky requires top-notch communication technologies - but the sector is not quite ready yet. The SANDRA project ...

Researcher publishes clingfish discoveries

(Phys.org) —Sometimes we think we know everything about something only to find out we really don't, said a Texas A&M University scientist.

Force sensor integrated into surgical forceps

Samsung's Device and System Research Center present a force sensor integrated into surgical forceps to provide surgeons with a sense of touch in robotically-assisted procedures.

Plant pathologist creates new plant disease assessment app

Fresh from his success with two widely utilized smartphone apps, CTAHR (College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources) plant pathologist Scot Nelson has created a new and more technical app, the Leaf Doctor, for a more ...

Beating the beetles

"The whole country knows about Boston. When a challenge presents itself, the entire community here comes together. The eradication of the Asian longhorned beetle is a great example of that," said Gary Woodward, the U.S. Department ...

Study of marine life near Newport finds no red flags for toxicity

(Phys.org) —Oregon State University scientists have examined a variety of coastal marine species near Newport, Ore., for concentrations of heavy metals and organic pollutants and found only trace amounts with no bioaccumulation ...

Organic photodiodes for sensor applications

Powerful, inexpensive and even flexible when they need to be, organic photodiodes are a promising alternative to silicon-based photodetectors. They are used to improve light sensitivity in cameras and to check displays for ...

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