
Bury nuclear waste down a very deep hole, say UK scientists

Scientists at the University of Sheffield calculate that all of the UK's high level nuclear waste from spent fuel reprocessing could be disposed of in just six boreholes 5km deep, fitting within a site no larger than a football ...

New synthesis method produces novel nanostructures from carbon

They are tiny and comprise spherical, sheet-like or fibrous particles. And they consist chiefly of the chemical element carbon. The talk here is about unusual carbon nanostructures that scientists at the Max Planck Institute ...

Science shows there is more to a Rembrandt than meets the eye

Art historians and scientists use imaging methods to virtually "dig" under or scan various layers of paint and pencil. This is how they decipher how a painter went about producing a masterpiece – without harming the original. ...

Genetically engineered Salmonella promising as anti-cancer therapy

A new study has demonstrated that genetically modified Salmonella can be used to kill cancer cells. The study is published in this week's issue of mBio, an American Society for Microbiology online-only, open access journal.

Video: How do black holes evaporate?

Nothing lasts forever, not even black holes. According to Stephen Hawking, black holes will evaporate over vast periods of time. But how, exactly, does this happen?

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