
Study reveals how honeybees recognize dead mates

A special group of workers in honey bees (Apis cerana), the undertakers, perform "undertaking behavior" to remove dead bodies. The undertakers rely on a signal associated with death to perform this behavior. However, it remains ...

A mechanistic and probabilistic method for predicting wildfires

Spanning long distances across variable terrains, electric power systems can spark wildfires in the event of dry weather and high winds. This may occur when conductor cables oscillate in such a way to become close to the ...

Quantum chemistry simulations on a quantum computer

In a new report now featured on the cover page of and published in Science Advances, Hans Hon Sang Chan and a research team in materials, chemistry and quantum photonics at the University of Oxford generated exactly emulated ...

Smart nanotechnology for more accurate delivery of insulin

More efficient and longer lasting glucose-responsive insulin that eliminates the need for people with type 1 diabetes to measure their glucose levels could be a step closer thanks to a Monash University-led project.

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