
The media shape public opinion about surrogacy and homosexuality

The media play a key role in informing society and in shaping perceptions and judgments about social issues, particularly concerning issues on which there is insufficient knowledge or a lack of experience. For example, one ...

Minor genetic change creates unattractive female moths

Sex pheromones are chemical compounds released by an organism to attract potential mates. For moths in particular these sex pheromones are very important for mate recognition, as they rely completely on scent signal rather ...

Scientists crack genome of superfood seaweed, ito-mozuku

Along the tropical coastline of Okinawa, Japan, farmers raise rows of delectable seaweed and harvest thousands of tons of the crop each year. Unfortunately, scientists predict that pollution and rising ocean temperatures ...

Study highlights ways to improve fishing practices

Researchers from The University of Western Australia and Stanford University have confirmed eco-labels on seafood are a trusted way for consumers to ensure they are buying sustainable seafood products and also encourage the ...

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