
Leap onto land saves fish from being eaten

Fish on the South Pacific island of Rarotonga have evolved the ability to survive out of water and leap about on the rocky shoreline because this helps them escape predators in the ocean, a ground-breaking new study shows.

Why do people switch their language?

Due to increasing globalization, the linguistic landscape of our world is changing; many people give up use of one language in favor of another. Scientists from the University of Vienna have studied why language shift happens ...

Thirsty mangroves cause unprecedented dieback

A James Cook University scientist has discovered why there was an unprecedented dieback of mangroves in the Gulf of Carpentaria in early 2016 - the plants died of thirst.

Where the few jaguars still alive are hiding

The survival of the jaguar (Panthera onca) is critically endangered in Brazil. Scientists have recently found signs that there are only about 300 of these top predators left in the biome—a tiny number. There are many reasons ...

New platform for culturing stem cells

A team of researchers in Japan has developed a new platform for culturing human pluripotent stem cells that provides far more control of culture conditions than previous tools by using micro and nanotechnologies.

Two-dimensional MXene materials get their close-up

Researchers have long sought electrically conductive materials for economical energy-storage devices. Two-dimensional (2-D) ceramics called MXenes are contenders. Unlike most 2-D ceramics, MXenes have inherently good conductivity ...

Breathtaking gene discovery in Dalmatian dogs

University of Helsinki researchers have uncovered a novel gene associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in dogs. The new research on this fatal disease may also help us understand the mechanisms of respiratory ...

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