
NASA provides two views of former Tropical Cyclone Vardah

NASA satellite data provided a look at the cloud cover and rainfall rates within Tropical Cyclone Vardah. The Global Precipitation Measurement mission or GPM core satellite measured rainfall rates as Vardah was headed for ...

NASA communications network to double space station data rates

Life aboard the International Space Station depends upon massive amounts of data, used for everything from commanding the station to providing real-time high-definition video and data on hundreds of science and technology ...

Lunar sonic booms

The sonic boom created by an airplane comes from the craft's large, speeding body crashing into molecules in the air. But if you shrank the plane to the size of a molecule, would it still generate a shock wave?

Tech leaders to make peace, or press their case, with Trump

Silicon Valley leaders were among Donald Trump's most outspoken opponents during the presidential campaign. On Wednesday, though, many of them will come face-to-face with the president-elect for the first time since the election.

Norway revs electric cars to 100,000 units

Norway, which boasts the world's highest number of electric cars per capita, now has 100,000 such vehicles on the road, a trade body said Tuesday.

Government to require cars be able to talk to each other

All new cars and light trucks would be able to talk wirelessly with each other, with traffic lights and with other roadway infrastructure under a rule the Transportation Department proposed Tuesday. Officials say the technology ...

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