
Native street trees can boost birds' survival

As native birds continue to lose their homes due to the spread of the Australia's cities, scientists are urging city planners and householders to help save them by planting more Australian trees.

Toxic nickel 'found in Finnish lake'

Toxic levels of nickel have been found in a Finnish lake after waste water began to leak from a nearby mine, the government's environmetal agency said on Tuesday.

Naive fish easy targets for spear fishers

(Phys.org)—Big fish that have grown up in marine reserves do not seem to know enough to avoid fishers armed with spear guns waiting outside the reserve.

Asia's mega-cities 'more vulnerable to disasters'

Asia's cities are becoming increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters as they struggle with poor planning, population explosions and climate change, the Asian Development Bank warned on Tuesday.

Curiosity rover update: Sniffing Mars' atmosphere

What has Curiosity been up to lately? The rover's Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instruments makes up more than half the science payload on board MSL, and it is now searching for compounds of the element carbon—including ...

Engineering thin-film oxide interfaces

(Phys.org)—Research at the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science's Advanced Photon Source (APS) provides new insights about a material that might form the basis for an alternative to conventional silicon-based semiconductor ...

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