
Physics determined ammonite shell shape

Ammonites are a group of extinct cephalopod mollusks with ribbed spiral shells. They are exceptionally diverse and well known to fossil lovers. Régis Chirat, researcher at the Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon: Terre, Planètes ...

Split reserves increase bilby's survival chance

Australia's shy Easter bunny alternative, the endangered bilby, will have a far better chance of surviving deadly predation by feral cats and foxes if they are kept in several protected areas instead of a single large area, ...

Toward full exposure of 'active sites' for coaxial nanocables

Catalysts are of paramount importance to achieve high efficiency and economic profit for most heterogeneous reactions. Since catalytic reaction occurs only when reactants reach the active sites, these active sites must be ...

Zuckerberg in Indonesia for Internet-access push (Update)

(AP)—On his first visit to Facebook-crazy Indonesia, Mark Zuckerberg met the president-elect, spread the word about his company's global Internet-access initiative and posted a photo of himself at an ancient Buddhist temple.

A look at how your voice is being used to ID you

Businesses and governments around the world are increasingly turning to voice biometrics, which sometimes are described as voiceprints, to replace passwords and fight fraud. A look at this fast-growing technology:

Latin America universities fail to make grade

Nobel prize week can prompt uncomfortable soul-searching at universities in Latin America, which has produced relatively few winners in the sciences—a symptom, experts say, of the region's struggles in higher education.

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