
Frenchman Tirole wins Nobel economics prize

(AP)—French economist Jean Tirole won the Nobel prize for economics Monday for research on market regulation that has helped policymakers understand how to deal with industries dominated by a few companies.

Stem cell physical

Looking at stem cells through physicists' eyes is challenging some of our basic assumptions about the body's master cells.

Image: Hubble catches a dusty spiral in Virgo

This magnificent new image taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 4206, located about 70 million light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Virgo.

Obstacles to a revolution in air technology

When in 1873 Jules Verne published his novel of planet-trotting high adventure, the world was on the verge of an explosion in global travel. New trans-continental railways and the Suez canal promised an increase in the speed ...

Helping local fishermen fight off the crown-of-thorns starfish

New research has been published in Marine Biology on the long term population dynamics of the Crown-of- Thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci.  It is one of the most long term and extensive surveys of its kind, with data ...

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