
Flame retardant may cause hyperthyroidism in cats

An epidemic of cats with hyperthyroidism may be explained by exposure to a chemical contained in flame retardants commonly found in furniture, according to an Oregon State University study.

Coal is on the road to becoming completely uninsurable

The announcement by Suncorp that it will no longer insure new thermal coal projects, along with a similar announcement by QBE Insurance a few months earlier, brings Australia into line with Europe where most major insurers ...

Making the case for managing the ocean's twilight zone

Sustainable management of open-ocean marine life should extend to the ocean midwater, argue MBARI President and CEO Chris Scholin and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution President and Director Mark Abbott in a column published ...

Improving the accuracy of long-read genome sequencing

A team of researchers from institutions in the U.S., Germany and China has developed a way to improve the accuracy of long-read genome sequencing. In their paper published in the journal Nature Biotechnology, the group outlines ...

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