
'History Minute' that proved baseballs really do curve

(Phys.org)—The National Institute of Standards and Technology has released a "History Minute" video called "Thrown for a Curve," offering a recap of work done by Lyman Briggs and colleagues back in 1959, when he was head ...

Hot electrons detected at solid-liquid interfaces

As seen in diverse applications, such as the refinement of petrol, their use in batteries and fuel cells for electric cars and to aid in the cleanup of hazardous agricultural waste, a variety of catalysts are in constant ...

Pokemon GO gets people out and about, and that's a good thing

One week since its release and Pokémon GO has not only captured the attention of millions of users eager to "catch them all", it's also caught the eye of the media, authorities and, at times, a somewhat puzzled public.

Image: Hayden Pass fire in Colorado continues to grow

The Hayden Pass Fire which began as a lightning strike on July 08, 2016, five miles southwest of Coaldale, Colorado, continues to grow. New estimates put the fire at 12,012 acres.  The fire began in the San Isabel National ...

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