
Nano-policing pollution

Pollutants emitted by factories and car exhausts affect humans who breathe in these harmful gases and also aggravate climate change up in the atmosphere. Being able to detect such emissions is a critically needed measure.

Fracking may affect air quality and human health

People living or working near active natural gas wells may be exposed to certain pollutants at higher levels than the Environmental Protection Agency considers safe for lifetime exposure, according to scientists from Oregon ...

UTSA geoscientists prepare for October trip to the Arctic

In October, UTSA College of Sciences faculty members Stephen Ackley and Blake Weissling wlll travel to the Arctic as a part of a project funded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) to study the diminishing ice cover. The ...

Where do the happiest children live?

Children in European countries tend to report higher levels of satisfaction with their friendships while children in African countries tend to be happier with their school lives. Children in northern European countries are ...

Light it up: Materials crystallize with surprising properties

Think about your favorite toys as a child. Did they light up or make funny noises when you touched them? Maybe they changed shape or texture. Today in ACS Central Science, researchers report a new material that combines many ...

Science literacy isn't as bad as the statistics make it look

Read the catchy one-line statistics that circulate in the headlines and on social media and you'd be forgiven for thinking that public understanding of science is in a sorry state. A few months back, we heard that 80% of ...

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